In our last post, we discussed problems that may arise if a person dies intestate (without leaving a Will). In this post, we discuss the process for administering and distributing the assets of someone who dies intestate. Losing a parent is an extremely sad moment, and the death permanently affects friends and family.
What you should know:
1. The Surrogate’s Court (in the county where the deceased resided) has judicial oversight over how the estate is administered.
2. Typically, upon an individual’s or father’s death, the surviving spouse, or, if there is no spouse, an adult child, or other close relative petitions the Surrogate’s Court to be appointed administrator for the estate. When no relative is willing to serve, or none is available, a non-family member may seek the appointment.
Note: If the spouse applies to serve as administrator, the other heirs are not required to give consent. However, if someone other than the spouse seeks to serve, then the other heirs must consent by completing “renunciation forms.” If the heirs cannot agree on who should serve, then the court selects the administrator.
3. The administrator is responsible for collecting and preserving the assets, paying all outstanding bills, federal and state taxes, and funeral expenses, and distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries.
Note: The administrator must post bond for a specified amount of money as determined by the court. If the administrator fails to successfully fulfill his/her duties, then the bond will be used to offset the resulting financial damages or losses.
4. Because there is no Will, assets that would normally pass through a Will are distributed in accordance with the state’s “intestate succession” laws. These laws designate the rightful heirs and specify the estate distribution amounts.
So, for example, if the deceased was married and
– had children from this marriage only, the entire estate would go to the surviving spouse.
– had children from this marriage and from a prior marriage, then the surviving spouse would receive the majority of the estate (over 50%) with the children inheriting everything else.
– had surviving parents, but no children, then the surviving spouse would receive the majority of the estate, with the parents inheriting everything else.
5. Some assets are not bequeathed through a Will, and, therefore, are not subject to intestate succession laws. For example, the deceased may have left the following:
-life insurance proceeds, IRAs, 401Ks, and other retirement accounts for which beneficiary designation forms were completed
– payable-on-death bank accounts
– property transferred to a living trust
– property owned jointly with someone else.
Such assets pass directly to the named beneficiaries or to the surviving co-owners. In these cases, there is no ambiguity regarding who the beneficiaries are, or what they should inherit.
Getting Legal Help
Losing a loved one is hard enough. But, when someone dies without a Will, identifying what must be done, and how to navigate through the courts, can be very stressful and confusing. Experienced Estate Planning Attorney, Elga A. Goodman, can help you meet this challenge and successfully work through the process. Contact us today or call 862.307.8719.